Posts with the category “chirotech-consortium”

Data Lake Demo
July 15th, 2024
Join Dr. Jay Greenstein and Brad Cost as they demo explain the Data Lake further along with more info on the Chirotech Consortium Workgroup.......  Read More
by Dillan Moore
Chirotech Consortium Deep Dive on the Data Lake
April 4th, 2024
Chirotech Consortium Deep Dive on the Data Lake  Dr. Jay Greenstein and Brad Cost have joined us to discuss the latest updates on the development of the Data Lake through the CTC workgroupLearn more a...  Read More
by Dillan Moore
Master’s students aspire to transform chiropractic health care
February 8th, 2024
Master’s students aspire to transform chiropractic health care Article By: OKSTATE.EDU Jeff Hopper Students in the Master’s in Business Analytics and Data Science program (MS BAnDS) in Oklahoma State ...  Read More
by Dillan Moore
CTC with Kristi Hudson
January 24th, 2024
CTC Update from Kristi Hudson, Vice Chair of Chiropractic Future......  Read More
by Dillan Moore
CTC January 2024 Update
January 12th, 2024
Chirotech Consortium January 2024 Update ......  Read More
by Dillan Moore
CTC Q4 Update
November 29th, 2023
Chirotech Consortium Q4 Update Dr. Jay Greenstein and Brad Cost give an update on CTC for Q4......  Read More
by Dillan Moore
CTC Q2 Update Interview
July 5th, 2023
CFSP   CTC Q2 Update Interview Joined by Dr. Jay Greenstein, CTC Chair and Kristi Hudson, At large member for our CTC Workgroup Q2 Updates......  Read More
by Dillan Moore
Kentucky doctors receive millions
July 5th, 2023
Sharing Wins: Kentucky doctors receive millions Joined by Dr. Jay Greenstein (ChiroTech Consortium Chair) and Dr. Rachel Wendt (Leadership Committee Vice Chair) to share how Kentucky doctors received ...  Read More
by Dillan Moore
ChiroTech Consortium
February 27th, 2023
The ChiroTech Consortium Workgroup has partnered with the Oklahoma State University Student Internship Program to create a data lake....  Read More
by Kim Zanke
ChiroTech Consortium
January 24th, 2023
The ChiroTech Consortium Workgroup has partnered with the Oklahoma State University Student Internship Program which started in early January 2023. Students will be asked to build out a data lake....  Read More
by Kim Zanke
ChiroTech Consortium
December 20th, 2022
The ChiroTech Consortium Workgroup has determined to add 2 EHR companies who are willing to populate data into the Research Dashboard....  Read More
by Kim Zanke
ChiroTech Consortium
November 28th, 2022
The ChiroTech Consortium Workgroup has established scorecard and completed accountability chart and key rocks. ...  Read More
by Kim Zanke
ChiroTech Consortium
October 26th, 2022
The CTC Workgroup has completed the data standards set are working on creating a data lake which is compiled of structured and unstructured data for the dashboards....  Read More
by Kim Zanke
ChiroTech Consortium
September 21st, 2022
The CTC Workgroup has completed the data standards set and are working on creating a data lake which is compiled of structured and unstructured data for the dashboards....  Read More
by Kim Zanke
ChiroTech Consortium
August 30th, 2022
The CTC Workgroup has completed the data standards set are working on the data format and organizing it correctly....  Read More
by Kim Zanke
Chiro-Tech Consortium
July 28th, 2022
The CTC Workgroup has completed the data standards and definitions and it has been forwarded onto the task force to compare these standards for data definitions to future standardized data intake....  Read More
by Kim Zanke
ChiroTech Consortium
June 24th, 2022
The CTC is currently working on data standards and definitions- once this is completed a task force will compare these standards for data definitions to future standardized data intake. ...  Read More
by Kim Zanke
ChiroTech Consortium
May 23rd, 2022
The ChiroTech Consortium (CTC) has been focusing its time and resources on building dashboards that can support the other workgroups and the profession. ...  Read More
by Kim Zanke
ChiroTech Consortium Short Term & Intermediate Goals
April 29th, 2022
The ChiroTech Consortium (CTC) has been focusing its time and resources on (1) setting short and intermediate term goals, and (2) building out dashboards that can support the other workgroups and the ...  Read More
by Kim Zanke